Contact us about the Playbook

We welcome your comments, interest and involvement. Together, we can make a lasting impact on disaster-affected communities across the globe.

Heartland United Way story
Disaster case management helped survivors of the 2019 spring flooding that nearly completely submerged two communities in Nebraska. Photo courtesy of Heartland United Way. Read their story. Photo courtesy of Heartland United Way

We look forward to hearing from you

For general inquiries or to include your reports and other educational resources in the Playbook, contact:

For media inquiries or to invite the Center for Disaster Philanthropy to speak at an event, contact:
Kristina (“Yna”) Moore at


Content can be reproduced with credit

If you would like to use materials found on the Playbook, we ask that you provide credit to:
“Center for Disaster Philanthropy, Disaster Philanthropy Playbook,”