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Sudan Humanitarian Crisis

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It has been six months since the latest conflict broke out in Sudan on April 15, 2023, exacerbating the pre-existing humanitarian crisis.

As of mid-September, Sudan has the highest number of internally displaced people in the world.

CDP recently posted a call to action for funders to address the inequities in how philanthropy has responded to Sudan compared to other conflicts, such as the crisis in Ukraine.

More than 50 human rights and humanitarian organizations issued their own call to action on Sept. 12, saying:

“We, the heads of over 50 human rights and humanitarian organizations are coming together to sound the alarm about Sudan, where a disaster is unfolding before our eyes. With fighting continuing across the country, brutal sexual violence rising, widespread deliberate and indiscriminate attacks on civilians, and journalists and human rights defenders being silenced, the country is no longer at the precipice of mass atrocities; it has fallen over the edge … Twenty years after the horrors of Darfur shocked our conscience, we are failing to meet the moment … We urge a more unified approach that better represents the voices and perspectives of Sudan’s civilians, including women, youth, and representatives from the historically marginalized ‘periphery.’ We are committed to working together to urge more aid for, more solidarity with, and greater attention to the needs of Sudan’s civilians … Donors should step up humanitarian funding, both for local and international organizations who are providing indispensable assistance in Sudan and neighboring countries. The costs of inaction are mounting.”

(Photo: People fleeing violence in Sudan. Credit: USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance Lead via Twitter)

In a recent event at the UN General Assembly, this crisis of inaction was discussed. The press release from UN OCHA for the convening stated:

“As hostilities and ethnic violence spread, the humanitarian crisis threatens to consume the entire country, while Sudan’s neighbours face a rising influx of refugees and returnees. Malnutrition rates are surging, foreshadowing premature deaths for thousands of Sudanese children. Half of the population is acutely food insecure, and more than 6 million people are just one step away from famine. Measles and other diseases run rampant, and sexual and gender-based violence are taking an appalling toll on women and girls. More than 5 million people have been driven from their homes, including more than 1 million who have sought refuge in neighbouring Central African Republic, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia and South Sudan. With no end in sight to the fighting, the humanitarian response is a lifeline for millions of people. Though large in scale, relief efforts remain inadequate and underfunded, and aid workers face major access challenges on the ground. Neighbouring countries are also struggling to meet the needs of refugees fleeing the violence.”

Africa’s third-largest country, Sudan’s complex humanitarian crisis is rooted in decades of internal conflict, political instability, extreme weather events and poor economic conditions that have contributed to widespread food insecurity, malnutrition and a lack of essential services, especially health services. While these issues have resulted in millions of internally displaced Sudanese, Sudan also hosts refugees from South Sudan and Ethiopia. Some of these refugees have left, returning home or traveling to another country, while others have been forced to relocate internally. The humanitarian crisis is also causing challenges in countries such as Chad, where hundreds of thousands of people from Sudan – citizens and refugees – have fled in search of safety.

On April 15, 2023, fighting broke out between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), led by Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) led by Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (known as “Hemedti”). Although they united in an October 2021 coup to seize power and have worked together since then against the pro-democracy movement  this alliance ended in mid-April, and begat a civil war.

Speaking to Al Jazeera in September on the sidelines of the UN, “the country’s de facto leader, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, has admitted the fighting could lead to a wider humanitarian disaster in the region … Ceasefire talks to end the conflict have failed to hold, with both sides accusing the other of violations. But al-Burhan said the United States and Saudi Arabia-brokered negotiations in Jeddah could still succeed.”

Al-Burhan told the UN General assembly that he thinks the RSF should be declared to be terrorists, which may “limit their power and will limit sympathy for them.”

RSF’s origins are rooted in the Janjaweed militia that carried out ethnic cleansing in Darfur. The RSF seems to be hiding in urban areas, so much of the conflict is happening in densely populated areas and is impacting civilians.

Located in northeast Africa, Sudan lies at the intersection of the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa. It borders the Central African Republic, Chad, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya and South Sudan. Sudan has faced numerous historic issues that have left a legacy in the country. The issues stem from exploitation after it was colonized by Britain and Egypt in the late 19th century. During this period, Sudanese people were subjected to various forms of exploitation, including forced labor, land confiscation and cultural suppression.

Over the past few decades, Sudan has been plagued by multiple civil wars. The First Sudanese Civil War was from 1955-1972, and about half a million people were killed. Despite a peace agreement in 1972, tensions continued. The Second Sudanese Civil War (and the longest of these conflicts) was fought from 1983 to 2005 between the government and the southern rebels, who were fighting for greater autonomy and control over resources. This conflict lasted for more than 20 years and resulted in the deaths of an estimated two million people. The war also led to the independence of South Sudan in 2011.

In 2003, the Darfur genocide began when government-backed militias targeted non-Arab civilians in the Darfur region. This conflict resulted in the displacement of millions of people and the deaths of hundreds of thousands. While the conflict was technically resolved with a peace deal in 2020, violence in the area continues today.

Colonel Omar al-Bashir, who carried out a military coup in 1989 and appointed himself president in 1993, was ousted by the army in 2019.  From 2019-2021, “a deal to negotiate power-sharing between the transitional government and the civilians who led the protests against Bashir” was in progress. The goal was to help transition Sudan to a democratic government, but this was interrupted by another coup in October 2021.

Since the coup in October 2021, when Sudan’s military, led by General al-Burhan (and supported by General Daglo), seized power from the transitional government, there has been significant political instability in the country. Additionally, a socioeconomic crisis has affected nearly a quarter of the population. It is characterized by high inflation rates and currency depreciation, and food insecurity. Intercommunal clashes and violence in some areas of the country, especially in the Darfur and Kordofan regions, also contributed to the high numbers of internal and cross-border displacements. Billions of dollars in international support and debt relief were paused after the 2021 coup, worsening the economic crisis and humanitarian situation in the country.

Even before the latest fighting, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) said in their Sudan Humanitarian Snapshot released on April 5, “Localized conflict and insecurity continue to displace thousands of people and disrupt lives in parts of Sudan.”

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Key facts
  • According to UN OCHA in Sudan’s 2023 Humanitarian Needs Overview, “the four most significant risks identified are conflict, disasters associated with natural hazards, disease outbreaks, and economic deterioration.”
  • At least 15.8 million people – one-third of the country’s population – were in need of humanitarian assistance as of January 2023, which was an increase from 14.3 million in 2022. However, since April 15 the number of people in need dramatically increased. In the revised Humanitarian Response Plan, 24.7 million people were identified as being in need, and 18.1 million are targeted in the plan. IOM is predicting that this could grow to 26.5 million. From April to Aug. 15, 3.5 million people had been reached. In the prior plan, 57% of people in need were women, 55% were children and 15% had disabilities.
  • Humanitarian workers have faced increasing violence. Dozens of warehouses and offices of humanitarian operations were looted. More than 200 vehicles have been stolen from humanitarian aid workers. Despite this, there are 117 organizations supporting the people of Sudan, including 53 national nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 50 international NGOs, nine UN agencies, four government partners and the Sudanese Red Crescent.
  • The annual flooding season affected thousands of people this year, despite starting a couple of months later than last year. Over 72,000 people have been affected, including more than 6,600 homes damaged and 5,823 homes destroyed. According to the 2023 Sudan Floods Dashboard, the Northern state had the most number of people affected (34,000).
  • The cost of the war, as measured by economic loss, is estimated to be $80 million daily. The Sudanese economy has declined rapidly and the exchange on the market to U.S. dollars is unfavorable.
  • On Sept. 9, Volker Perthes, the UN special envoy to Sudan, resigned. In his final speech to the UN Security Council he warned that the violence had “worsened dramatically” and the conflict “could be morphing into a full-scale civil war.”
  • According to IOM, from April 15 to Sept. 17, 2023, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) “estimates that 4,232,840 Individuals (845,779 Households) have been recently internally displaced. The IDP caseload has been observed in 3,929 locations across all of Sudan’s 18 states … The majority (2,875,125 IDPs, 67.92%) have been reportedly displaced from Khartoum state, followed by South Darfur (15.11%). DTM Sudan also estimates that approximately 2.83% of the IDP caseload are non-Sudanese nationals. In addition to the internal displacement, the conflict in Sudan has caused the Mixed Cross-Border Movements of 1,180,626 individuals into neighbouring countries namely Egypt, Libya, Chad, Central African Republic, South Sudan and Ethiopia. 67% of arrivals tracked in those countries were Sudanese nationals and 33% estimated foreign nationals and returnees. The majority of arrivals were reported in Chad (40.7%), Egypt (27.4%), and South Sudan (23.2%).”
Source: IOM

As of Sept. 8, there have been at least 7,500 fatalities, according to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED). These numbers include military deaths.

From Aug. 5 to Sept. 1, the ACLED recorded 2,280 reported fatalities. Of these, more than 1,400 fatalities and 300 political violence events were in Khartoum and there were 40 events in South Darfur with 380 fatalities.

Civilian deaths are much harder to track with different sources reporting a variety of numbers. While this presents a challenge, all numbers are significant and include attacks on aid workers and facilities. Dabanga Sudan, Sudan’s independent newspaper, reported that the Sultanate of Dar Masalit has claimed that more than 5,000 people were killed and 8,000 injured in 17 attacks in El Geneina between April 24 and June 12.

Survivors have claimed that the attacks on El Geneina and the surrounding areas were reminiscent of the Rwandan genocide. In July, CNN reported local sources that increased the number of fatalities in West Darfur to 10,000.

On Aug. 16, Radia Dabanaga reported: “The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights says that the initial toll indicates that 4,000 people have been killed since the war broke out in April, including hundreds of civilians, including 28 humanitarian and health workers and 435 children.”

The lack of medical facilities has hindered accurate tracking, as official sources generally use hospital death data.

On Sept. 3, BBC reported that the official total from the Health Ministry was only 1,100 but that the real number was likely higher.

September has been a particularly deadly month for civilians, with dozens of deaths not yet recorded by ACLED. On Sept. 13, at least 20 people, including two children, were killed in the Kalakla al-Qubba neighborhood of south-west Khartoum, by an army strike.

On Sept. 5, a similar attack killed 32 people in Ombada neighbourhood in western Omdurman according to an activist group Emergency Lawyers. At least 19 people were killed in the same neighborhood on Sept 3.

On Sept. 10, a drone attack on an open market in Khartoum’s May neighborhood killed 43 people and wounded 55 others according to the activist group, The Resistance Committees.

Health care

The health care system in Sudan was already weak, and the fighting has significantly reduced medical access as health facilities have been attacked, destroyed or had to close their services. The shortage of food, fuel and supplies is also concerning, as are power outages and dangers to staff and patients.

On Sept. 6, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, the Director-General for the World Health Organization, said, “About 65% of the population has no access to health services and more than 70% of health facilities in conflict areas are not functioning. The implications are horrific. Every day, nine patients with renal dialysis die, and dialysis centres in four states have closed due to lack of supplies … Meanwhile, attacks on health have continued to increase. So far, WHO has verified 56 attacks on health care, leading to 11 deaths and 38 injuries. WHO condemns in the strongest terms the increasing attacks on health care in Sudan, and the occupation of health facilities … The health situation at Sudan’s borders is dire, with a combination of disease outbreaks, impact of extreme weather events, hunger and malnutrition.”

According to the WHO Surveillance System of Attacks on Healthcare, details further the attacks mentioned above. Since the start of the conflict, WHO has verified 56 attacks on health care resulting in 11 deaths and 38 injuries. Of these, 36 attacks impacted facilities, 23 impacted personnel, 16 impacted supplies, eight impacted transport, seven impacted patients and six impacted warehouses.

Types of attacks are broken down into several categories including individual weapons (30 attacks), psychological violence (27), assault (17) and heavy weapons (11).

These attacks have lessened as the conflict has continued with the highest number occurring in April (27) but only three in August. They are not solely related to the current conflicts as there were 23 in 2022 and 29 in 2021. There was one other attack before April 14, 2023.

According to UN OCHA, “The Health Cluster has reported that the number of suspected measles cases across Sudan has increased by more than 1,000 new cases, compared to the 3,311 cases reported last week and reached 4,334 cases since April. This includes 127 deaths (40 more than those reported last week), representing a case fatality rate of 2.9 per cent. White Nile State accounts for 98 deaths—77 per cent of measles-related deaths.”

Additionally, UN OCHA added, “Between 15 May and 12 September, 1,222 refugee children under five died in White Nile State, UNHCR reported in its latest Sudan Health and Nutrition Update.  Most of the deaths were linked to suspected measles and underlying malnutrition. This is a more than a 120-fold increase on a year-on-year basis. From April to September 2022, there were 10 deaths of refugee children under the age of five in 10 refugee camps/settlements in White Nile State, according to UNHCR. The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Plan International, Save the Children and UNHCR have supported the State Ministry of Health in Whtie Nile to carry out a measles vaccination campaign. About 6,400 children were reached during the first round of the campaign in July, and about 45,500 children under five years (107 per cent of the target) were vaccinated during the second round in August that targeted refugee camps in the state.”


The ongoing conflict will have an outsized and enduring impact on children. They are losing out on education, they are being exposed to trauma and war, and even being used in the fighting as child soldiers. Some young girls are being married off, in a desire to prevent sexual exploitation, although that act itself can also be seen as exploitative.

Children are dying of preventable diseases because of the lack of medications, health care professionals and vaccines. They are also being killed in the fighting. Philanthropists funding in Sudan must be understand that the enduring effect of war on children will require long-term solutions, including building local capacity in the children’s care sector.

UNICEF reports that more than 13.6 million (1 in 2) children are in urgent need of humanitarian aid. At least 1.7 million children have been newly displaced, adding to the 1.9 million children who were displaced before this crisis.

On Sept. 19, UNICEF spokesperson James Elder said, “333,000 children will be born in Sudan between October and December. They and their mothers need skilled delivery care. However, in a country where millions are either trapped in warzones or displaced, and where there are grave shortages of medical supplies, such care is becoming less likely by the day … Nutrition services are equally devastated. Every month 55,000 children require treatment for the most lethal form of malnutrition. And yet in Khartoum less than one in 50 nutrition centres is functional, in West Darfur it’s one in 10.”

UNICEF, released a statement in July stating that at least 435 children have been killed since April 15 and more than 2,025 children have been injured. They also state that there is an average of at least one violation of children’s rights every hour (more than 2,500 total).

Ted Chaiban, UNICEF Deputy Executive Director for Humanitarian Action and Supply Operations stated, “Every day children are being killed, injured, abducted and seeing the schools, hospitals and the vital infrastructure and life-saving supplies they rely on damaged, destroyed or looted.”

James Elder of UNICEF said, “Sudan is already facing one of the largest learning crises in the world, with more than seven million children out of school, and 12 million waiting for the schools to re-open. For children education is about more than the right to learn. Schools can protect children from the physical dangers around them – including abuse, exploitation, and recruitment into armed groups. Should the conflict result in schools remaining closed, this will have devastating impacts for children’s development and psychosocial wellbeing.” Being out of school puts young people at increased risk of recruitment in one of the armed groups, sold in child marriage or forced into child labor.

There are 1.7 million children under the age of one who are at risk of missing one or more essential vaccinations.

Water access and WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)

At least 14.9 million people are in need in the WASH sector, according to the updated Sudan Humanitarian Needs Overview 2023, dated Aug. 15, 2023. The amount of funding needed has grown from $129 million to $230.9 million and only $41.2 million has been received.

UNICEF has found that, “Inadequate water, hygiene and sanitation practices poses major risks for communities especially children. Moreover, water and sanitation related diseases are one of the leading causes of death for children under five. In Sudan 17.3 million people lack access to basic level drinking water supply and are at risk of disease. About 24 million lack access to proper sanitation facilities. Sanitation coverage has stagnated with more than 10.5 million people practice open defecation. This poses a major hazard to children and communities and has a significant impact on food security, rising malnutrition, disease outbreaks, conflict, and ultimately child morbidity and mortality.”

Key infrastructure, including pipes, has been damaged by the fighting (although it was not well maintained prior). Residents are using the Nile River for all water needs, including drinking, bathing and cleaning.

Sudan, as an agricultural nation, uses 97% of its water to support that industry, but climate change – including water scarcity and desertification – is affecting that water supply as well.

One of the key goals of the WASH sector will be to create better gender-sensitive sanitation and basic water services for millions of women and girls.

Economic crisis

Sudan’s economy remains in crisis, with high inflation, a shortage of foreign currency and a large national debt. The country is struggling to provide basic services to its citizens, and many people are experiencing food insecurity and poverty. Even prior to the latest civil war it had the highest poverty rate in Northern Africa.

The 2022 poverty rate was 15.3% when looking at the $2.15/day marker. But when increased to the lower middle-income poverty rate of $3.65/day, the rate jumped to 49.7%. The upper middle-income poverty rate of $6.85 shows a rate of 86.2%. While the GDP were expected to grow in 2023, the war has caused the economy to freeze. Food prices have increased dramatically and the banking system has essentially collapsed. The informal economy is behind much of the employment currently.

According to the World Bank, “The secession of South Sudan [in 2011] led to multiple economic shocks, including the loss of oil revenue that had accounted for more than half of the Sudan government’s revenue and 95% of its exports. This has reduced economic growth and resulted in double-digit consumer price inflation…”

Since 2011, inflation has increased to triple-digit numbers, although it decreased throughout 2022. As of January 2023, school fees had increased 400% and oil prices had grown by 300%.

Human rights and protection concerns

There are ongoing concerns about human rights abuses in Sudan, including reports of extrajudicial killings, arbitrary detentions, and restrictions on freedom of expression and association. The government has taken some steps to address these issues, but progress has been slow. The protection issues have been amplified by the war, with fighting happening in urban areas leading to civilian deaths.

According to Amnesty International, there have been “extensive war crimes including mass killings of civilians, rape and sexual slavery of women in the ongoing conflict … Amnesty detailed waves of violence in West Darfur province —one of five constituting the Darfur region — including the killing of civilians, looting and destruction of homes and facilities such as the main hospital and markets.”

On July 13, the UN Security Council was informed about a mass grave of 87 bodies found outside the region’s capital El-Geneina. Most are Masalit, who are often targeted by the RSF and their allied militias, especially Arab militias. It is believed they were killed between June 13-21. This ethnic cleansing is reminiscent of the genocide in Darfur in 2003, which killed hundreds of thousands of people.

The Council on Foreign Relations reports that the group most at risk varies by location. They said, “With places like El-Obeid, Kadugli, and El-Geneina becoming arenas of conflict, many Sudanese civilians have been caught in the crossfire. The Washington, D.C.-based Search for Common Ground (SFCG) found that children were most impacted in Blue Nile and North Kordofan, elders were most affected in Khartoum, and women were disproportionately affected in Gadarif and Kassala.”

Internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees

As of Sept. 19, more than 4.2 million people (and over 845,779 households) have been displaced internally. This is more than 1.2 million additional people since Aug. 1. People relocated to almost 4,000 locations across all 18 states. This is the highest number of internally displaced people in the world.

The majority of IDPs were displaced from Khartoum state (67.92%), while South Darfur has 15.11%, North Darfur had 8.45%%, Central Darfur had 3.76% and West Darfur had 3,70%. There were also less than 1% displacement from each of South Kordofan (0.59%), North Kordofan (0.46%) and Aj Jazirah (0.01%).

The majority (55.62%) came from urban areas, while 44.38% are from rural communities.

Source: IOM

UNHCR said, “All the neighbouring countries impacted by this new emergency were already hosting large numbers of refugees and internally displaced people on insufficient and dwindling levels of humanitarian funding. At the same time, countries like Chad and South Sudan (the two least developed countries in the world) were battling hunger, insecurity, and the impacts of climate change. Now the conflict is disrupting trade and supply chains, pushing up the costs of food and fuel.”

It is important for funders to consider the needs of host countries as they receive refugees.

In Venezuela, another large refugee crisis CDP is monitoring, the needs of receiving communities are often overshadowed by the needs of the sending country, but they are equally important. The same is true for Sudan and its neighbors. The influx of refugees is adding to pre-existing problems in the countries.

The Council on Foreign Relations points out: “Five of the seven countries bordering Sudan have recently suffered internal conflict, and refugees who previously fled violence and famine in Ethiopia and South Sudan are now returning to their home countries alongside Sudanese nationals. Additionally, countries are concerned about spillover conflict and potential foreign interference; Egypt has close ties to the SAF, while Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar, reportedly backed by Russian mercenaries, has sent military supplies to the RSF. The crisis could also threaten regional economic cooperation on Nile River water resources and several major oil pipelines that cross through Sudan. UN experts say Sudan’s neighbors need far more assistance. The Central African Republic has called for more aid, as its own internal conflict has rendered it ill-equipped to handle incoming refugee flows. Chad closed its land border with Sudan but continues to aid refugees that make it across. Meanwhile, Egypt’s border remains open, but reports say crossings are often delayed for days, and there are worries about the country’s ability to absorb refugees. Several countries in the Horn of Africa and Sahel regions—including Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Kenya, and South Sudan—have participated in peace negotiations in hopes of stemming these issues at their source.”

Nearly 275,000 people have fled Sudan for South Sudan, which won independence from Sudan in 2011. South Sudan is facing a massive hunger crisis and has its own shaky power-sharing leadership agreement. However, the terms of the peace deal signed in 2018 after a five-year civil war that caused 400,000 deaths, have not been met.

The United Nations envoy to South Sudan says that the crisis in Sudan should “serve as a wake-up call for Juba” (the capital of South Sudan). He adds, “‘[The situation] reinforces the imperative to move swiftly in strengthening the foundations for peace, stability and inclusive governance. A conducive political and civic environment is required for all political parties, civil society groups, media and all South Sudanese.’ The United Nations has repeatedly criticised South Sudan’s leadership for its role in stoking violence, cracking down on political freedoms and plundering public coffers.”

Due to its own crises, South Sudan faces many challenges in welcoming and meeting the needs of the Sudanese refugees. The Acting Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan, Peter Van der Auweraert said, “When people arrive South Sudan today, they are more vulnerable than they used to be, they are more likely to be undernourished, they are more likely to be sick and they are more likely to need more assistance than before.”

Learn more about the South Sudan Humanitarian Crisis.

In Egypt, where nearly 325,000 people have fled, a coordination platform has been developed by 14 organizations operated by Sudanese refugees and migrants. More than two million Sudanese already live in Egypt. The New Humanitarian reports that they are operating under the belief that “The best experts to assist refugees are the refugees themselves … The organisations have been helping new arrivals find affordable apartments and free temporary shelter, and are offering a range of other services, from psychosocial support and enrolling children in local schools to helping people formally register as refugees.”

Hunger and nutrition

As of Sept. 2023, more than 20 million people are facing severe food insecurity. This is an increase of five million people since the fighting broke out, and it was 13 million in 2022.

According to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network, the majority of the country is in crisis phase (level 3), with a few areas of stressed (level 2) and several areas of emergency (level 4). The latter aligns with areas of the highest numbers of internally displaced people. August and September are typically the leanest months in Sudan, as they are during the growing season. While the harvesting season (October 2023 to February 2024) may reduce this to 15 million, the long-term outlook is not good.

According to the Integrated Food Security Classification (IPC), “Conflict and economic decline have driven about 20.3 million people across Sudan (over 42 percent of the country’s population) into high levels of acute food insecurity, classified in IPC Phase 3 or above (Crisis or worse) between July and September 2023. Of those, 14 million people (29 percent of the population) are … in IPC Phase 3, Crisis, and almost 6.3 million people (13 percent of the population) are experiencing worse conditions in IPC Phase 4, Emergency. The most highly food insecure populations are in locations and states with active conflict, including West Darfur (where 62 percent of the population is highly food insecure), Khartoum and South Kordofan (56 percent of the population in IPC Phase 3 or above in these states), the Central Darfur, the East and the South Darfur as well as West Kordofan (53 percent of the population is in IPC Phase 3 or above in these states).”

Source: FEWS NET

The IPC also said that food insecurity has increased because of the looting and attacks on markets, water facilities, banks and public buildings. “The price of food and essential commodities has soared, limiting access to the market for the population. According to reports from numerous states, including those unaffected by the ongoing fighting, the conflict between SAF and RSF in Sudan is endangering the production of staple crops this year.”

UNICEF says that 3.4 million children under the age of five suffer from acute malnutrition, up from three million before the fighting started. The number jumps to 4.6 million when including pregnant or nursing mothers. Of these, 690,000 are severely malnourished, up from 612,000 children. Much of this increase comes from families displaced by the crisis.

The World Food Programme (WFP) has been able to assist 2.7 million people since the fighting began. However, their distribution has been hampered by the violence, and they suspended services temporarily after three WFP aid workers were killed.

Food prices have more than doubled since April 15 when the fighting began.

WFP says that the price of a local food basket in August had reached $1.07 USD, a 23% increase from August 2022. In July 2023, food costs were $1 and before the fighting began, the food basket price was just  from $0.74. At the same time, the foreign exchange rate has increased, and the daily labor wage rate has decreased.

WFP reports that inflation is reducing people’s ability to meet basic needs, with 36% unable to afford the contents of a WFP food basket. About 85% of households spend 65% of their income just on food and overall, food prices are 228% higher than two years ago.

Gender disparities

A Rapid Gender Analysis on Power and Participation conducted by CARE in Sudan’s Kassala State showed women are often not consulted in decision-making, and social norms are a key barrier towards greater inclusion. The report highlights opportunities to enhance women’s participation and leadership. Bringing women (and youth) into community organizing can reduce extremism.

Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is increasing. As many as 4.2 million women and girls face the risks of GBV.

There are several types of gender-based violence present in Sudan. CARE’s Rapid Gender Analysis was conducted in early 2023, ending just as the conflict was beginning. They are clear that the conflict will have only increased the risks for women and girls in the country and in surrounding countries.

In particular, the report calls attention to, “The types of GBV identified in Sudan include domestic / family violence (e.g., hard beating, psychological abuse), community social violence (e.g., exclusion, humiliation), harmful traditions and customs (e.g., early marriage, FGM/C [female genital mutilation/cutting]), and violence during war (e.g., rape, killing). Women experience several challenges related to GBV – beyond the act of violence itself – such as stigmatization of reporting and the normalization of domestic violence. GBV is so prevalent due to unequal laws the enable it, patriarchal gender norms, economic hardship, insecurity and conflict, and the absence of law enforcement. It is driven internally by the family by the deep need to protect family honor.”

Source: CARE
Climate change

Sudan is also subject to the impacts of climate change. Sudan is one of the ten countries in the world most vulnerable to climate change.

These vulnerabilities include seasonal rains becoming more unpredictable, increasingly frequent droughts and rise in temperature. Land degradation and forestation compound the impacts of climate hazards.

Climate change has also been a source of conflict due to competition for water resources, grazing land and pastures. Available evidence suggests that climate change has also heightened competition for access to water sources, pastures and traditional grazing lands.

According to UNEP research, “approximately 40% of internal conflicts over the past six decades can be attributed to the exploitation of natural resources, including competition over scarce resources, such as fertile land and water.”

Four areas that need to be addressed in the Sudan humanitarian response.

  • Advocating for solutions though a long-term political process: Ambassador Alexander Rondos, the European Union Special Representative for the Horn of Africa, said that Sudan needs a “long-term political process to bring peace and stability.” Will Carter of the Norwegian Refugee Council added, “International and regional bodies must also strongly condemn, at the highest levels, the blatant violations of international humanitarian law that are ongoing. Parties to the conflict need to be put on notice.”
  • Providing for immediate humanitarian needs: Rondos also recognizes that there are immediate humanitarian needs to be addressed. Getting it right in the beginning can help improved recovery. Donors can help by supporting calls to end restrictions on entry in Sudan for both supplies and humanitarian workers. Supply lines need to be secured.
  • Supporting internally displaced people: Displaced people lack access to all basic services to meet their humanitarian needs, including access to water, food, shelter, protection, healthcare, etc. The longer these communities are displaced, the more critical and complex their needs will become. This includes, as mentioned above, the need to address ongoing chronic diseases, preventative health and mental health.
  • Addressing needs of host communities: There are also increasing needs within the many countries receiving Sudanese refugees. The UN Refugee Agency has estimated that by the end of 2023, at least 1.8 million people will arrive in Central African Republic, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia or South Sudan. This estimate has increased dramatically from initial numbers of 250,000 refugees in early May. The people coming into these countries exhausted and overwhelmed from the violence, hungry, sick and fighting preventable diseases. The host countries are reporting “rising malnutrition rates and disease such as cholera and measles.” The UN Refugee Agency has appealed for an additional $1 billion to support these needs which are increasingly more critical and complex.

During any complex humanitarian emergency (CHE), immediate needs always include shelter; food; WASH; emergency health care; education; protection of at-risk populations and case management. These needs will continue throughout the course of the CHE. As the crisis becomes more protracted issues include restoration of livelihoods, mental health, cash assistance, as well as preventative disease and chronic health disease management.

Security and protection

Protection has been an ongoing humanitarian concern in Sudan for decades because of the protracted conflict, displacement and other forms of violence. These conflicts have resulted in widespread human rights violations, including attacks on civilians, sexual and gender-based violence (GBV), and forced displacement. The UN Protection Cluster covers four areas of key concerns: child protection; GBV; housing, land and property; and mine action.

Displacement contributes to and exacerbates protection risks. Displaced populations are particularly vulnerable to violence, exploitation and abuse, and therefore require enhanced protection. In addition to conflict-related protection concerns, Sudan also faces challenges related to human trafficking, smuggling and other forms of organized crime. These issues are particularly acute in refugee and IDP camps, where criminal networks often take advantage of the vulnerable population.

Protection concerns are growing in Sudan because of the latest conflict, particularly for at-risk groups, including children, women, elderly persons and persons with disabilities, as families lose their socioeconomic and community-support structures. Humanitarian actors will work to ensure that vulnerable populations have access to basic services and protection from violence, exploitation and abuse. This includes providing shelter, food, water and medical care, as well as supporting efforts to prevent and respond to human rights violations.


Connected to, but also separate from security and protection, are issues of access. Aid organizations face many challenges in delivering goods and services to people in need. In Sudan the ongoing fighting is the biggest challenge, as well as the previously mentioned violence against health facilities.

UN OCHA reports that since the latest conflict started in April, “928 incidents impacting humanitarian operations have been reported; over 60 per cent due to active conflict or violence against humanitarian personnel and assets. The highest number of incidents continues to be recorded in Khartoum (37 per cent) where 282 incidents have been reported across six localities. Active hostilities represent 41 per cent, followed by violence against humanitarian personnel and assets (31 per cent) and attacks against public facilities (23 per cent).”

The security of physical, economic and social resources are important concerns. There needs to be safe, humanitarian access to certain places in Sudan, with full cooperation of all warring parties. This includes supplies being secured to prevent theft or damage. From a physical standpoint, water-supply plants and power plants must be secured, especially in urban areas. Economically, farmers need support to access fertilizer and other agricultural resources before planting season. They also need access to water. Dams across the Nile need to be protected both to support Sudan, but also the flow of water into Egypt.

Despite this, the UN and various national and international NGOs continue to deliver aid to many areas of the country. The Chad-Sudan cross-border arrangement facilitated the delivery of dozens of trucks of food supplies to West Darfur. But other humanitarian deliveries were canceled or delayed because of the lack of safety and security.

To understand the challenges and timelines, UN OCHA created this video.

UN OCHA adds, “Humanitarian organizations continue to face operational interference from parties to the conflict … Looting and attacks against humanitarian personnel are a continuous challenge … Bureaucratic and administrative obstacles are another challenge …Access and civil-military coordination efforts continue to enable the movement of relief items on the ground.”

Bureaucratic issues, including delayed visas, have been helped by an Administrative Decree from the Humanitarian Aid Commission that “extended up to 31 March 2024, the registration of national and international NGOs, which had expired and could not be renewed due to the critical security conditions in the country, provided the organizations implement their activities and programmes by the national legislation governing humanitarian action. The decision aims to facilitate humanitarian organizations’ work and enable them to deliver humanitarian assistance to the affected people.”

Funders can respond to issues of access in a few ways. First is to understand the constraints that humanitarian agencies are operating under. It isn’t possible to predict all possible outcomes and there may be additional costs or changed timelines.

Second, trust the organizations who have time and experience in the region. They know what is needed, how to maneuver and how to respond.

Third, be generous and flexible in your funding to allow agility. Let them lead, with input and direction from Sudanese people. And finally, call on governments to support peace talks and to call for all parties to respect International Human Law (IHL).

As Joyce Msuya, Assistant-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator at UN OCHA recently stated that the requirements of IHL are straightforward, “All parties to armed conflict must take constant care to spare civilians and civilian objects, including humanitarian personnel and assets, and essential infrastructure. Impartial humanitarian organizations must be able to engage with all parties, including non-State armed groups. And all parties must allow and facilitate the rapid and unimpeded passage of impartial humanitarian relief for civilians in need.”

Cash assistance

As with most disasters and emergencies, cash donations are recommended by disaster experts as they allow for on-the-ground agencies to direct funds to the most significant area of need, support economic recovery and ensure donation management does not detract from disaster recovery needs and quickly re-establishing access to basic needs.

CDP recommends cash as a donation method and a recovery strategy. Direct cash assistance can allow families to purchase items and services that address their multiple needs. It gives each family flexibility and choice, ensuring that support is relevant and timely. Cash-based approaches to disaster recovery also give people the freedom to choose how they rebuild their lives and provide a pathway to economic empowerment.

The Center for Disaster Philanthropy has a Global Recovery Fund that provides an opportunity for donors to meet the ongoing and ever-expanding challenges presented by global crises.

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Philanthropic contributions

If you would like to make a donation to the CDP Global Recovery Fund, please contact development. 

(Photo: Homes destroyed by the violence between Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces in Sudan, April 2023. Photo courtesy of Patty McIlreavy.)

Recovery updates

If you are a responding NGO or a donor, please send updates on how you are working in this crisis to Tanya Gulliver-Garcia. 

We welcome the republication of our content. Please credit the Center for Disaster Philanthropy.

Donor recommendations

If you are a donor looking for recommendations on how to help with this crisis, please email Regine A. Webster. 

Philanthropic and government support

Sudan’s 2023 original Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) goal of $1.75 billion had received just 13.9% ($243.7 million) by May 1. In late May, the HRP goal was increased to $2.57 billion. As of Sept. 25, a total of $807.1 million had been funded (just 31.5%). The U.S. government has contributed over half (58.5%) of the funds to date: $472.5 million. The European Commission is second at 13.2% or $106.9 million.

CDP provided a grant in 2022 of $202,488 to the Near East Foundation. The project provided rapid, life-saving support to highly vulnerable conflict- and crisis-impacted people (IDPs, returnees, and vulnerable host populations) in South Sudan and Sudan, helping them to reduce their risk of food insecurity, recover their livelihoods, and build resilience to future shocks and disruptions through improved agricultural production, inclusive value chain development, and access to finance. The project deployed durable early recovery solutions to complex and chronic emergencies in Sudan and South Sudan.

In 2021, CDP provided a $25,000 grant to World Vision to provide support for the well-being of children in the areas devastated by floods and in settings where populations are already vulnerable through WASH emergency interventions, shelter and non-food items, protection of children, and support for health services and mobile clinics.

Grassroots mutual aid organizations have been creating emergency rooms to provide services in communities and are able to work in areas where humanitarian organizations have pulled their staff. These groups stem from the activist networks that have fought against the regime of Omar al-Bashir in 2019. Despite the great work they are doing, they receive little financial support from international donors (most money comes from local or diaspora donations) and are being threatened by both factions in the war. The emergency rooms are supporting hospitals, sheltering displaced people and providing food and water.

More ways to help

As with most disasters and emergencies, cash donations are recommended by disaster experts as they allow for on-the-ground agencies to direct funds to the most significant area of need, support local economic recovery and ensure material donations do not detract from disaster recovery needs.

Donors can help in the following ways:

  • Provide unrestricted core funding for vetted humanitarian NGO partners that support the HRP. This is an efficient way to ensure the best use of resources in a coordinated manner. Funding the NGOs that have contributed to the HRP ensures that resources are directed to support the plan and use humanitarian partners’ best knowledge. Funders can support humanitarian organizations working in Sudan to provide aid, such as food, water, shelter and medical care, to those in need in the immediate future. But, because of the protracted nature of the crisis, funders can also invest in development projects that help build infrastructure, create jobs and promote economic growth in Sudan. These projects can include initiatives to improve agriculture, energy and transportation systems, as well as programs that support entrepreneurship and small businesses. CDP is in contact with a number of organizations with long histories of providing support in the country.
  • Understand that recovery and resilience-building is possible in protracted and complex crisis settings. Even while focusing on immediate needs, remember that there are early and long-term recovery needs, too. We know that people who have been affected by shocks in complex humanitarian contexts can recover, improve their situation and build their resilience to withstand future shocks without waiting until the crisis is over, which may take years. Recovery is possible, and funding will be needed for recovery and resilience efforts alongside humanitarian funding. Recovery will take a long time, and funding will be needed now and throughout.
  • Recognize there are places and ways that private philanthropy can help that other donors may not. Private funders can support nimble and innovative solutions that leverage or augment the larger humanitarian system response, either filling gaps or modeling change that, once tested and proven, can be taken to scale within the broader humanitarian response structure. Philanthropy can also provide sustainable funding to national and local organizations that support needed operational costs.

Fund resources

See them all

UN IASC Protection Cluster

UN IASC Protection Cluster

The Protection Cluster is one of 11 function-based clusters of the UN Inter-Agency Standing Committee Cluster System. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees leads the Cluster.

Complex Humanitarian Emergencies

Complex Humanitarian Emergencies

CHEs involve an acute emergency layered over ongoing instability. Multiple scenarios can cause CHEs, like the civil wars in Syria and Yemen, the man-made political crisis in Venezuela, or the public health crisis in Congo.

Emergency and Interim Shelter

Emergency and Interim Shelter

After a disaster, shelter is more than a place to rest, it is a place of security, access to food, water and medical treatment. A place to start recovering after a disaster.